Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Mother's Day

I had a LOVELY  Mother’s day… I hope you did, too!  It began a bit too early, and a bit louder than I like, but somehow the simple fact that it was Mother’s Day made the sleepy eyes and loud noises a blessing.  If only I could wake-up with that attitude every day, huh?

I was pulled immediately from my bed to a chair in our room where gifts were bestowed and pictures were taken.  Mind you, I had just woken-up; no make-up, no hair or teeth brushed, no look in the mirror.  (Not to mention, I need a hair cut and color!)  Needless-to-say, I was not so excited to see the camera.  But then I thought of this; This is a precious, priceless memory to my kids.  They don't care what I look like.  They just prefer I have a big smile.  And so, smile I did!  I'm human -- I am still a bit embarrassed, but this is for you, my lovely kiddos!

 We hit one of those milestones this year – the first year that I got genuine, homemade cards from my little sweeties.  Oh, how precious they are!  I used to think that grown-ups were lying to me when they told me my handmade cards were better than store-bought ones.  How could that possibly be?  Oh, if only I knew… so, so precious!  The best part was how proud they were to give them to me!


After opening handmade pottery and See’s chocolates and enjoying an incredible breakfast made by my sweet husband, we headed to church.  As always, the mothers were asked to stand and were prayed over.  What a special blessing!  My heart always goes out to those who probably wish they were mothers at that time, and I silently pray for them.

 Someone tell my little dude to smile!  :)

Dinner was spectacular.  A little too “grown-up” for the kiddos, but oh so special for me.  Macadamia-encrusted scallop salad, shrimp, pineapple, mushroom, and scallop scewers, grilled seasoned corn on the cob, and cherry-safron rice.  Yeah, I’m spoiled.  We ate outside. It was awesome.

 My sweet hubby worked so hard!

 We ate outside to enjoy the beautiful weather!

 As I thought about all the blessings of the day, it occurred to me that the best part of the day was not in an incredible breakfast – it was the fact that an incredible breakfast from my husband comes way more often than just Mother’s day.  In fact, at least once a week we are spoiled in such a way!  That realization alone gave me such a warm-fuzzy!  Likewise, the best part was not an absolutely amazing dinner!  But, in that after dinner we went for a family bike ride.  We rode to the stables a few blocks away to look at the horses.  Malachi fell asleep on Sierra – precious!  Once the kids were down, my husband suggested we sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather and just ignore the dishes until later.  Oh, how I love the crisp spring air!  We sat.  We reflected.  We enjoyed the quiet.  I am so, so blessed!

One last thing... Daniel put the girls down that night.  Sierra requested he brush her hair.  When she asks me, I say no.  When she asks daddy, this is what happens:

 The end.

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